This page details the datasets associated with intro2r.
Clicking on the ‘download’ link will display the data, or you can left-click to download.
Information from a small tree plot in Michigan.
x: x coordinate (m).
y: y coordinate (m).
species: common name.
dbh: diameter at breast height (m).
status: alive (1) or dead (0).
Results from the 5K road race around New Haven in 2015.
Place No.: position in the race.
Name: Name of runner, if entered.
City: Residence of runner.
Div: Division code.
Div: Division description (Gender: M/F; age group).
Nettime: Finish time minus start time (MM:SS).
Time: Total time since race began (MM:SS).
Pace: time per km (MM:SS).
Data on the presence/absence of mammals on (most) of the islands of the Galapagos archipelago.
per capita crime rate by town.
proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.
proportion of non-retail business acres per town.
nitrogen oxides concentration (parts per 10 million).
average number of rooms per dwelling.
proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940.
weighted mean of distances to five Boston employment centres.
index of accessibility to radial highways.
median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000s.
Presence (1) or absence (0) of a bird species on each island,
Area of the island (km^2),
Distance from the mainland (km).
student id,
Number of awards earned by the student,
Program type (academic/general/vocational),
in the final maths exam.
This dataset contains information on flowering of 1500 Myrsticaceae trees in 2002 in the Yasuni Forest Dynamics Plot, a tropical lowland rain forest in Ecuador.
seven species,
tree size,
their sex (0, F, M),
if they flowered that year (1/0),
an index of light availability in the canopy (0-5, with 0 being no light and 5 being full overhead and side light).
The horsekick data give the number of soldiers in the Prussian cavalry killed by horse kicks, by corp membership and by year. The years are from 1875 to 1894, and there are 14 different cavalry corps: the first column corresponds to the guard corp and the other columns to corps 1 through 11, 14, and 15.
The data are from Distributome project and are derived from the book by Andrews and Herzberg. The original source of the data is the classic book by von Bortkiewicz. The data are famous because they seem to fit the Poisson model reasonably well.