

Functions vs Objects: Reprise

Functions are tools




A. Why write your own functions?

  1. To perform specific tasks for your own work

  2. To set specific defaults to other functions

  3. Avoid repetition of large chunks of code

E.g., set defaults for nice plots


par(lwd = 2, tcl = 0.3, 
    font.lab = 2, las = 1, 
    cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, 
    mar = c(5,5,2,2))

1. Functions are an abstraction

# Calculate the mean of your data

sum( / length(

We can separate what we want to do from how we do it.

# Function to calculate mean
my.mean <- function(x){
  sum(x) / length(x)

# Calculate mean of my data

2. Functions make code more readable

This code is shorter but harder to understand

data$response.logit <- log(data$response / (1 - data$response))

This code is more lines, but:

logit <- function(p){
  log(p / (1-p))

data$response.logit <- logit(data$response)

3. Functions help avoid coding errors

4. Functions help you become more productive

B. How functions work

  1. Take an object

  2. Perform an action/s

  3. Return another object or output

The structure of a function

  1. Name: Can be any valid name. Do not write over existing functions. Follow style guide to function names.

  2. Input arguments: What are the inputs or data to the function? As many inputs as you want.

  3. Actions: What do you want the function to do with the inputs? Create a plot? Calculate a statistic? Run a regression analysis?

  4. Action arguments: Are there any options and/or defaults you want to set?

  5. Output: What output or final product do you want? A scalar? A vector? A dataframe? A plot? A table?

Structure of a function: Code

# The basic structure of a function

NAME <- function(ARGUMENTS) {


  return(OUTPUT) # Optional


An example function

# Create the function my.mean()

my.mean <- function(x) {   # Single input called x

  output <- sum(x) / length(x) # Calculate output

return(output)  # Return output to the user after running the function


Or ..

# Create the function my.mean()

my.mean <- function(x) {   # Single input called x

 sum(x) / length(x) # Calculate output


Abstracting Functions

Problem: e.g., Calculate mean DBH of trees

i. Directly using the data

sum(dat_tree$DBH) / length(dat_tree$DBH)

ii. Turn this into a function

my_mean <- function(dat_tree$DBH){

  sum(dat_tree$DBH) / length(dat_tree$DBH)


iii. Abstract it

my_mean <- function(x){

  sum(x) / length(x)


Functions within functions

You can call functions from within functions.

We already did this in the function above, where we used sum() and length().

my_mean <- function(x){

  sum(x) / length(x)


e.g., return SD and mean tree DBH

meanSD <- function(x){

  out <- c( my_mean(x), sd(x) )



Adding to the basic structure

Save and source() your functions


Build and test functions

C. Function design

1. A function should do one thing well

2. A function should be easily understandable in isolation

3. Style Guide for Functions

1. Use verbs for function names …

# Good



# Bad


… a different style from variables

# Variables





2. Indent multiple lines to where definition starts

# Good

checkNames <- function(x, 
                   names_correct = 'file-of-correct-names.txt'
                   ) {
  # Code of function body goes here, indented

# Bad

checkNames <- function(x, 
  names_correct = 'file-of-correct-names.txt') {
  # Here it is hard to tell the arguments from the code body

3. No line breaks within assignments

# Good

calcCarbon <- function(dbh, height, 
                   genus = 'Quercus')

# Bad

calcCarbon <- function(dbh, height, genus =

4. Use comments to explain why, not what or how

Each line of comment should begin with a hash and a single space.

# A comment explains why

5. Function documentation

There are many ways to document your functions.

It should include:

# One example

funcName <- function(x, a, b, 
                   arg1 = 'bananas',
                   arg2 = 6.45) {
# A short description of what the function does  
# Arguments:
# Followed by a list of the arguments and description
#   x: data from ..., numeric
#   a: something, numeric 
#   b: something else, numeric
#   arg1: type of fruit, character
#   arg2: a constant modifier, numeric
# Returns:
#   The total biomass of fruit in a forest

  code body here