In this unit, you will learn classical statistical tests and how to compare means between groups.
Follow the links to each lecture, lab, and reading.
Scroll down to download the SWIRL lessons.
Which test? Which assumptions?
Learning Goals:
SWIRL: Testing assumptions and exploring data
Lab: Unit 3: Lab 1
Zuur et al. 2010. A protocol for data exploration to avoid common statistical problems. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 1, 3–14.
Läärä, E. 2009. Statistics: reasoning on uncertainty, and the insignificance of testing null. Ann. Zool. Fennici 46: 138–157.
Functions: qqplot()
, ks.test()
, shapiro.test()
, bartlett.test()
Lecture: Testing ratios and tabulating data
Learning Goals:
and hist()
,SWIRL: Testing Ratios
Lab: Unit 3: Lab 2
Functions: table()
, prop.test()
, binom.test()
, chisq.test()
Lecture: The Split-Apply-Combine approach
Learning Goals:
, sapply()
, lapply()
, apply()
.SWIRL: The *apply() group of functions:
Lab: Unit 3: Lab 3
Reading: Wickham, H. 2001. The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software 40.
Functions: apply()
, tapply()
, sapply()
, lapply()
Lecture: t-tests and ANOVAS
Best Practice: Writing
Learning Goals:
SWIRL: Testing Populations
Lab: Unit 3: Recap
Functions: t.test()
, aov()
Updated: 2018-10-01